Results for 'Eva María Alvarez Isidro'

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  1.  47
    Die politische Theologie des jungen Erich Fromm.Eva-Maria Ziege - 2006 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 58 (3):263-266.
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    (1 other version)Values that create value: Socially responsible business practices in SMEs – empirical evidence from German companies.Eva-Maria Hammann, André Habisch & Harald Pechlaner - 2008 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 18 (1):37-51.
    Socially responsible business and ethical behaviour of companies have been of interest to academia and practice for decades. But the focus has almost exclusively been on large corporations while small- and medium-sized enterprises (SME) have not received as much attention. Thus, this paper focuses on socially responsible business practices of SME entrepreneurs or owner–managers in Germany. Based on the assumption that decision-makers in SMEs are the central point where all business activities start, members of a German entrepreneurs association were approached (...)
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    Meaningful Human Control over AI for Health? A Review.Eva Maria Hille, Patrik Hummel & Matthias Braun - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Artificial intelligence is currently changing many areas of society. Especially in health, where critical decisions are made, questions of control must be renegotiated: who is in control when an automated system makes clinically relevant decisions? Increasingly, the concept of meaningful human control (MHC) is being invoked for this purpose. However, it is unclear exactly how this concept is to be understood in health. Through a systematic review, we present the current state of the concept of MHC in health. The results (...)
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    I. Introduction.Eva Maria Wilden - 2014 - In Eva Wilden, Manuscript, Print and Memory: Relics of the Cankam in Tamilnadu. De Gruyter. pp. 1-41.
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    III.3 Mnemonic Stanzas.Eva Maria Wilden - 2014 - In Eva Wilden, Manuscript, Print and Memory: Relics of the Cankam in Tamilnadu. De Gruyter. pp. 177-215.
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    III.6 Summary: The Rise and Fall of a Canon.Eva Maria Wilden - 2014 - In Eva Wilden, Manuscript, Print and Memory: Relics of the Cankam in Tamilnadu. De Gruyter. pp. 354-358.
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    Erkenntnis und Liebe. Zur fundierenden Rolle des Gefühls bei den Leistungen der Vernunft.Eva-Maria Engelen - 2003 - Vandenhoeck Ruprecht.
    zur fundierenden Rolle des Gefühls bei den Leistungen der Vernunft Eva-Maria Engelen. Eva-Maria Engelen Erkenntnis und Liebe Zur fundierenden Rolle des Gefühls bei den Leistungen der Vernunft Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Eva-Maria ...
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  8. Gefuhle.Eva-Maria Engelen & Verena Mayer - 2008 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 115 (2):471.
    Nach Erläuterung der wesentlichen Begriffe wie „Emotion“ und „Gefühl“ stellt Eva-Maria Engelen die wichtigsten theoretischen Ansätze vor. Dabei spielen sowohl Theorien aus der Philosophie, der Psychologie als auch aus den Neurowissenschaften eine wichtige Rolle. Geklärt wird in weiteren Kapiteln das Verhältnis von Gefühlen und Emotionen zum Verstand, zum Bewusstsein und zu Werten.
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    III.2 Traditional Colophons.Eva Maria Wilden - 2014 - In Eva Wilden, Manuscript, Print and Memory: Relics of the Cankam in Tamilnadu. De Gruyter. pp. 160-176.
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    Cross-Border Security Over Tangibles.Eva-Maria Kieninger & Harry C. Sigmann - 2007 - Sellier de Gruyter.
    As cross-border trade and cross-border financing continue to increase while security rights over tangible property are governed by the law of the place where the moveable is situated, comparative knowledge of national secured transactions law is crucial for everyone using security rights over tangibles in a cross-border context. This book provides an in-depth examination of the key issues that arise when security rights are created, perfected and enforced in different European countries. Authored by experts on German, English, Dutch, French, Belgian, (...)
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    (1 other version)Germany.Eva-Maria Kieninger & Harry C. Sigmann - 2007 - In Eva-Maria Kieninger & Harry C. Sigmann, Cross-Border Security Over Tangibles. Sellier de Gruyter.
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  12.  36
    Divan Japonais: Toulouse-Lautrec and Japanese Art.Eva Maria Raepple - unknown
    The French nineteenth century artists Henry Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901) is known for his distinctive style and bold character portraits of the theatrical scene of the gaslight era in Paris. The paper examines some of the formative influences of eighteenth century Japanese art on the development of visual characters, with specific focus on a lithograph entitled Divan Japonais. Alluding to the refined representation of Japanese courtesans, subtle nuanced reminiscences to an ideal of elegance create an allusion to highly respected courtesans in the (...)
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    Setting the Word into Motion: Textual Visuality in the Bible Moralisée, Vienna Codex 2554.Eva Maria Raepple - unknown
    This article examines the relation between the biblical Word and visuality in one of the surviving early thirteenth century manuscripts of the Bible moraliseé, the codex Vindobonensis 2554 today housed in Vienna. The analysis focuses specifically on the relations between word and visuality. The goal is to investigate the vitality that may set the Word into motion. It is argued that the matrix of textual visuality in the Vienna codex 2554 is used as an effective tool that adds vitality to (...)
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    Musical practice as a form of life: how making music can be meaningful and real.Eva-Maria Houben - 2019 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
    Is musical practice 'real' - and how is it connected with everyday life? Eva-Maria Houben shows that making music changes as soon as its meaning is not sought in a purpose-oriented production of results, but in performing music as an activity - indeed, as play. Musical practice, Eva-Maria Houben contends, should be understood as open and never finished. Such an emphasis on repetition can free us from perfection, productivity, and purpose, allowing meaning to unfold in specific situations, places, and relationships. (...)
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  15.  23
    The Landscape Garden as a Symbol in Rousseau, Goethe and Flaubert.Eva Maria Neumeyer - 1947 - Journal of the History of Ideas 8 (1/4):187.
  16.  7
    Perspektivenübernahme: zwischen Moralphilosophie und Moralpädagogik.Eva-Maria Kenngott - 2011 - Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.
    Es ist ein zentrales Anliegen von Bildung, Sachverhalte aus verschiedenen Perspektiven zu sehen. Geht es um moralische Bildung, so ist der Wechsel der Perspektive speziell in der Goldenen Regel („Was du nicht willst, dass man dir tut, das füg auch keinem anderen zu“) das Mittel zur Erzeugung moralischer Sensibilität. Dieser Alltagsform der Erziehung steht nun die moderne Pädagogik gegenüber, die in institutionalisierter Form nicht allein mit alltagsmoralischen Formen des Appells arbeiten kann. Eva-Maria Kenngott analysiert die Verbindungslinien zwischen der Fähigkeit zur (...)
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  17. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.Eva-Maria Stelzer - 1970 - Berlin,: Hegel-Komitee der DDR, Deutsche Staatsbibliothek.
    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel und die Weiter- und Höherenentwicklung seiner Ideen, von A. Abusch.-G.W.F. Hegel und seine Zeit (1770-1831). Eine Chronik.-G.W.F. Hegels Werke in Erstausgaben.-Aus Werken Hegels.-Marx, Engels, Lenin über Hegel.-Hegel Literatur in der DDR 1949-1969.-Hegel Literatur zum Hegel Jahr 1970.-Veranstaltungen aus Anlass des 200. Geburtstages von G.W.F. Hegel am 27. August 1970.
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    (1 other version)The Case Studies.Eva-Maria Kieninger & Harry C. Sigmann - 2007 - In Eva-Maria Kieninger & Harry C. Sigmann, Cross-Border Security Over Tangibles. Sellier de Gruyter.
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  19. Kann man wissen, dass man liebt?Eva-Maria Engelen - 2007 - E-Journal Philosophie der Psychologie 9.
    Gefühl und Wissen wurden in der Philosophie meist als Gegensätze gesehen. So ist Wissen traditioneller Weise als begründete oder gerechtfertigte wahre Meinung definiert. Kann man, wenn man eine solche Definition zu Grunde legt, sagen, dass man weiß, dass man liebt? Was sollte als Begründung oder Rechtfertigung gelten können?
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    Adaptive control of working memory.Eva-Maria Hartmann, Miriam Gade & Marco Steinhauser - 2022 - Cognition 224 (C):105053.
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    Von der Faszination der Dinge. Ein Rundgang durch das GRASSI Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Leipzig.Eva Maria Hoyer - 2015 - In Thomas Pöpper, Dinge Im Kontext: Artefakt, Handhabung Und Handlungsästhetik Zwischen Mittelalter Und Gegenwart. De Gruyter. pp. 261-272.
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  22. Heureka: Evidenzkriterien in den Wissenschaften. Ein Kompendium für den interdisziplinären Gerauch.Eva-Maria Engelen, Christian Fleischhack, C. Giovanni Galizia & Katharina Landfester (eds.) - 2010 - Spektrum Springer.
    Wie werden in einzelnen Disziplinen Heureka-Effekte hervorgerufen? Wann leuchtet Wissenschaftlern in einem Fach ein Argument, ein Gedanke ein, wie werden sie davon überzeugt. Was sind die disziplinären Standards und wie sieht die Praxis im akademischen Alltag dazu aus? 15 Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aus den Natur-, Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften geben hierauf ihre Antworten in diesem Buch in einer Weise, dass alle, die das wissen wollen, sie auch verstehen.
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  23. Introduction. Kurt Gödel's philosophical notebooks and the tradition of notebook writing.Eva-Maria Engelen - 2019 - In Kurt Gödel, Philosophical Notebooks, vol. 1: Philosophy I Maxims 0. De Gruyter. pp. 129-153.
    One will not be able to categorize and understand Gödel’s philosophical notebooks unless one considers them in the context of the tradition of notebook writing. This tradition produced a type of text with specific characteristics. For an appropriate reading of the notes, one should keep in mind those characteristics as well as the function of notebooks for an author’s thinking and for their creative process. This helps to avoid misinterpretations as well as rash (mis)judgments and (mis)readings.
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  24. Introduction. Kurt Gödel's applied individual ethics.Eva-Maria Engelen - 2020 - In Kurt Gödel, Philosophical Notebooks, vol. 2: Time Management (Maxims) I and II. De Gruyter. pp. 282- 319.
    For Gödel, the determining influence on the decision to subject his life to such a form of ethics likely came from one of the two men whom he called his teachers in the Grandjean Questionnaire: namely Heinrich Gomperz. It is unlikely, however, that the stimulus for this form of ethics came from Gomperz alone, since although many members of the Vienna Circle ultimately spoke out against this ethical form for the conduct of life, the question of self-perfection and its role (...)
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  25. Kurt Gödel, Philosophical Notebooks, vol. 1: Philosophy I Maxims 0.Eva-Maria Engelen (ed.) - 2019 - De Gruyter.
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    Testimony and the First-, Second-, and Third-Person Perspective.Eva-Maria Engelen - 2021 - In Anne Siegetsleitner, Andreas Oberprantacher, Marie-Luisa Frick & Ulrich Metschl, Crisis and Critique: Philosophical Analysis and Current Events: Proceedings of the 42nd International Wittgenstein Symposium. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 251-268.
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    Contents.Eva Maria Wilden - 2014 - In Eva Wilden, Manuscript, Print and Memory: Relics of the Cankam in Tamilnadu. De Gruyter.
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    IV The Editing Process.Eva Maria Wilden - 2014 - In Eva Wilden, Manuscript, Print and Memory: Relics of the Cankam in Tamilnadu. De Gruyter. pp. 359-411.
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    "Experience Does Not Err" (Leonardo Da Vinci) - Artwork as a Mirror of Nature.Eva Maria Raepple - manuscript
    The relation between seeing, knowledge, and language has concerned philosophers and artists throughout history. The current article examines the relation between word, image, and knowledge in some prominent Renaissance artworks. It is argued that the shift from revelatory truth in the word to evidence in “seeing the real” as Leonardo da Vinci (1452 -1519) argues in his writings, marks a moment in history in which the human being takes center stage as the interpreter of knowledge. In the search for perfect (...)
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    A. Tense, mood, and modality.Eva-Maria Remberger - 2011 - In Renate Musan & Monika Rathert, Tense across Languages. Niemeyer. pp. 541--9.
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    12. Transzendentalpragmatische Interpretation der Hermeneutik.Eva-Maria Schwickert - 2000 - In Feminismus Und Gerechtigkeit: Über Eine Ethik von Verantwortung Und Diskurs. De Gruyter. pp. 123-125.
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    19. Zweistufige Architektonik der Diskursethik.Eva-Maria Schwickert - 2000 - In Feminismus Und Gerechtigkeit: Über Eine Ethik von Verantwortung Und Diskurs. De Gruyter. pp. 163-167.
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    (1 other version)Italy.Eva-Maria Kieninger & Harry C. Sigmann - 2007 - In Eva-Maria Kieninger & Harry C. Sigmann, Cross-Border Security Over Tangibles. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    III. 5 Reception in the Grammatical Tradition.Eva Maria Wilden - 2014 - In Eva Wilden, Manuscript, Print and Memory: Relics of the Cankam in Tamilnadu. De Gruyter. pp. 295-354.
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    Literaturverzeichnis.Eva-Maria Engelen - 2014 - In Vom Leben Zur Bedeutung: Philosophische Studien zum Verhältnis von Gefühl, Bewusstsein und Sprache. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 166-170.
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  36. Interspaces: Philosophical Performances. What for? Embodiment and publicity of philosophical thinking.Eva Maria Gauss & Katrin Felgenhauer - 2013 - Filozofia 68 (5):402-411.
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    (1 other version)Abbreviations.Eva-Maria Kieninger & Harry C. Sigmann - 2007 - In Eva-Maria Kieninger & Harry C. Sigmann, Cross-Border Security Over Tangibles. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    Stimmungen des Todes und ihre Bestimmung: Theorie und Praxis im Dialog.Eva-Maria Hochkirchen, Gerardo Scheige & Jan Söffner (eds.) - 2015 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
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    Widerspruch und Widerstand: Studien zu einer Kategorie musikästhetischen Denkens.Eva-Maria Houben - 1997 - Saarbrücken: Pfau.
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    Introduction.Eva-Maria Kieninger & Harry C. Sigmann - 2007 - In Eva-Maria Kieninger & Harry C. Sigmann, Cross-Border Security Over Tangibles. Sellier de Gruyter.
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  41. Reconsidered: Gigons Abschied von Sokrates Das Buch Sokrates. Sein Bild in Dichtung und Geschichte.Eva-Maria Kaufmann - 2011 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 37 (1):33-39.
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    (1 other version)Belgium.Eva-Maria Kieninger & Harry C. Sigmann - 2007 - In Eva-Maria Kieninger & Harry C. Sigmann, Cross-Border Security Over Tangibles. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    Experiment and Experience. On Ernst Mach’s Theory of Scientific Experimentation.Eva-Maria Jung - 2019 - In Friedrich Stadler, Ernst Mach – Life, Work, Influence. Springer Verlag.
    This paper focuses on Ernst Mach’s theory of scientific experimentation. As I shall show, Mach presents an extraordinarily wide perspective on scientific experiments, bringing together heuristic, evolutionary, historical and didactical aspects. For Mach, experimentation is not reduced to controlled testing in a laboratory. It rather describes a quite general human, and even animal, activity to explore the world. By relying on such a broad notion of experiment, however, his theory has to deal with a wide range of objections. I shall (...)
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    Knowledge, Practice, and the Problem of Relativism – Reconsidering Michael Polanyi’s ‘Personal Knowledge’.Eva-Maria Jung - 2011 - In Richard Schantz & Markus Seidel, The Problem of Relativism in the Sociology of (Scientific) Knowledge. Lancaster, LA1: ontos. pp. 215-236.
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    16. Die kritisch-methodische Funktion des hermeneutischen Zirkels.Eva-Maria Schwickert - 2000 - In Feminismus Und Gerechtigkeit: Über Eine Ethik von Verantwortung Und Diskurs. De Gruyter. pp. 140-142.
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    23. Gilligans Fürsorgeethik zwischen postkonventioneller Gesinnungs- und Verantwortungsethik.Eva-Maria Schwickert - 2000 - In Feminismus Und Gerechtigkeit: Über Eine Ethik von Verantwortung Und Diskurs. De Gruyter. pp. 188-189.
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    22. Postkonventioneller Verantwortungsuniversalismus: Stufe 7 und 8.Eva-Maria Schwickert - 2000 - In Feminismus Und Gerechtigkeit: Über Eine Ethik von Verantwortung Und Diskurs. De Gruyter. pp. 184-187.
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    5. Universalistische Ethik der Gerechtigkeit und Fürsorge.Eva-Maria Schwickert - 2000 - In Feminismus Und Gerechtigkeit: Über Eine Ethik von Verantwortung Und Diskurs. De Gruyter. pp. 89-92.
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  49. Una globalización que olvida.Eva María Caballero Segarra - 2008 - Critica 58 (953):8-10.
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    2. Carol Gilligan: Care-Ethik.Eva-Maria Schwickert - 2000 - In Feminismus Und Gerechtigkeit: Über Eine Ethik von Verantwortung Und Diskurs. De Gruyter. pp. 44-60.
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